My name is LIA, and I will be running Laurel's blog while she serves a mission for the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints.
I miss her already. For the short time of a year that we've been friends, she has shaped and changed my life in more ways than she knows. She has a beautiful, bright spirit and a joyous attitude, no matter what. She's the kind of person that talks to anyone and EVERYONE with so much life and charm that no one could doubt her sincerity. Everyone knows Laurel Riggs. Everyone loves Laurel Riggs.
Together, Laurel and I have had MANY late nights and long laughs and crazy adventures! We practically spent every waking moment together at college, and continued our close friendship in the summer. I was able to watch the process as she decided to go on a mission, got her call, and entered the Missionary Training Center. No one could be more confident in her abilities or more proud of her than I am.

I will miss every adventure: Pickleball, Ballroom Company, Lake Powell, the Quartet, Disneyland, Salt Lake, and countless others. But eighteen months got nothing on our friendship! Can't wait to read her stories and share them with you. . . and we'll see her when she comes home!
That's all from me!
Love, Lia
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